Thursday, January 19, 2006

Why are we here?

In case you're wondering the title is a quote from Jane Austen, from Love and Friendship I think, one of her early works. I have been a devotee of Jane for about 10 years now, coinciding if you notice with the release of the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. If you'd like to meet other afflicted people visit

As to the title of this entry be assured I am not about to launch into a philosophical discussion on the purpose of being...though I could. I have always wanted to be printed and although blogging is somewhat narcissistic, I obtain my goal with out the effort of actually taking the time to write, then find someone willing to publish my rants. But thanks to the glories of the internet now everyone can have their say. (Though from the poor quality of many books I have read it does appear anyone can publish too.)


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